Would you like to benefit from personalized guidance to perfect your artistic approach in ceramics, sculpture, or jewelry?
Since 2001, it is within the framework of my company that my personalized pedagogical approach allows me to transmit my expertise, my passion and my know-how.
I offer personalized coaching sessions of 2 hours dedicated to the realization of your visual arts and crafts projects, putting my skills and professional experience at your disposal.
Your development can take place over a short intensive period or spread out over a longer period. You can book spaced time slots in order to respect your budget and your learning pace.
I plan bespoke coaching sessions with you, according to your level of experience, to meet your specific needs and allow you to realize your ideas, achieve your goals and realize your respective artistic projects.
During your sessions, I provide you with all the specialized tools and equipment required. During your training, you also have free recycled clay and an individual storage shelf reserved for the storage of your personal belongings and your projects in progress. We carry a variety of art supplies so that you can purchase the one you need to realize your project at the gallery counter.
To develop a personalized coaching program, please get in touch with me.
Throwing, modeling, enamelling, molding, sculpture, lapidary stone cutting, jewelry and foundry.
I find inspiration in exploring the creative potential of everyone, sharing, researching, designing, and developing new ideas, processes, and interdisciplinary avenues.
Through teaching, I aim to convey complementary techniques in ceramics, jewelry, and sculpture to help you develop greater mastery of the matter transformation in space and access greater freedom of expression.
The transformation of minerals by fire creates a universal connection. I invite you to study this artistic practice and draw your creative inspiration directly through the echo you can find at the heart of the matter.
You will discover that clay, thanks to its plasticity, malleability, versatility and memory, is a true medium of discovery and exploration of three-dimensionality and creativity.
The COACHING PACKAGES of your choice gives you a credit to book your personalized coaching sessions.
Upon receipt of your package payment, a personalized booking code will be sent to you by email. This code will allow you to book your coaching sessions directly online according to your availabilitywithin a period of 1 year from the date of purchase of your package.
Looking forward to welcome you and share my passion with you at Solart Studio Gallery!